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This page provides an estimate of a plan member's monthly retirement benefit in the normal form of a 10 year certain and life annuity. Other optional forms of payment are also available. These benefits are based on years of service, and the FIVE highest years of salary, as defined by the plan.
*** Remember, this is only an estimate  based on the numbers that you provide.
For a more precise figure, contact your Plan Administrator!
Also, these benefit amounts do not include any supplemental benefits an employee may be eligible for.
 Name : 
 Date of Birth (Member) : 
 /   / 
 Date of Birth (Beneficiary) : 
 /   / 
 Sworn In Date : 
 /   / 
 Date of Retirement/DROP : 
 /   / 
 Salary 1 : 
 Salary 2 : 
 Salary 3 : 
 Salary 4 : 
 Salary 5 : 
 Buyback of Service :  YEARS MONTHS
*** Remember, this is only an estimate  based on the numbers that you provide.
For a more precise figure, contact your Plan Administrator!
Also, these benefit amounts do not include any supplemental benefits an employee may be eligible for.